
Fed Repurchase Agreement

As a copy editor, I bring to you an informative article on “fed repurchase agreement” that will help you understand its meaning, how it works, and its implications on the economy.

What is a Fed Repurchase Agreement?

A Fed Repurchase Agreement, also known as repo, is a short-term agreement between the Federal Reserve and banks or other financial institutions. Essentially, the Federal Reserve buys government securities from these entities with the promise to sell the securities back to them in the near future at a slightly higher price.

How does it work?

The Federal Reserve (Fed) conducts open market operations to adjust the money supply and influence interest rates in the economy. They do this by buying or selling government securities in the open market. When the Fed wants to increase the money supply, they buy government securities from banks or other financial institutions on a short-term basis, for example, overnight, and in return, these entities lend money to the Fed. This short-term loan is called a repurchase agreement or repo.

The Fed sets a specific interest rate on the repo transaction called the repo rate. This rate influences other short-term interest rates in the economy, such as the federal funds rate, which is the interest rate at which banks lend money to each other overnight.

Why do banks enter into Fed repurchase agreements?

Banks use Fed repurchase agreements to manage their short-term cash needs. They may need cash to pay for daily operations such as payroll or to meet reserve requirements mandated by the Fed. Since government securities are considered safe and liquid assets, banks can use them as collateral to borrow money from the Fed.

What are the implications of Fed repurchase agreements on the economy?

Fed repurchase agreements are an essential tool used by the Fed to manage the money supply and influence interest rates. By buying government securities from banks, the Fed increases the money supply, making it easier for banks to lend money to consumers and businesses. This, in turn, stimulates economic growth.

On the other hand, when the Fed sells government securities back to banks, the money supply decreases, making it harder for banks to lend money, which can slow down economic activity.


In summary, Fed repurchase agreements are short-term loans between the Federal Reserve and banks or other financial institutions. These agreements help manage the money supply and influence short-term interest rates in the economy. By understanding the meaning and implications of Fed repurchase agreements, you can gain insights into how the Federal Reserve manages economic growth and stability.